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Chanukah this year begins in the evening of Wednesday Dec. 25, 2024 and continues through Thursday Jan. 2, 2025.
With your generous support this season, we will continue to be the “Voice of My People” which is the meaning of Kol Ami.  As we have in past years, we ask you to #BeTheLight!
Thank you for giving to #BeTheLight for our values this year! Your gift helps us shine the light of our values both during this Chanukah, our festival of lights, and in the year to come.

Gifts of $100 (or more) towards a given candle will be listed as sponsors of that candle.

With a gift of $1000 or more you can dedicate a candle for one of the nights. 

Give a sponsorship or dedication of a candle as a gift to a loved one during this Chanukah season! Any sponsorships or dedications given as gifts will include a card sent to the honoree from Kol Ami.
Please fill out all honoree information thoroughly to ensure they receive their Chanukah card!



Our Chanukiah
Day 1: Candle of

Fred Balch
David Bernstein and Bernie Goldberg
Edward Casson
Rebecca Shurz and Simon Thompson (in memory of Leonard Shurz z'l)
Day 2: Candle of
Dedicated by
Cary Davidson and Andrew Ogilvie
Dr. Marilyn Ader and Karen Shanbrom
Roberta Bennett
Dr. David Goldman and Paul Schouten
Stuart Leviton and Herb Schultz
Hon. William Weinberger and Danny Gibson-Weinberger
Richard Wortman and David Schreiber
Day 3: Candle of
David Bernstein and Bernie Goldberg
Steven Escobar and Marc Purchin
Steve Kanner
Iris Levine and Lesili Beard
Elyse Resch and Dr. Arlene Drake
Dr. Neil Romanoff and Robert Torres
Daniel Shurz
Day 4: Candle of
Dedicated by
MOKA (Men of Kol Ami), participants include:
Steve Addison
Carl Becker
Evan Cohn
Sam and John Fibish-DeWitt
Joseph Howton
Don Klein
Murray Levin
Don Margolin
Michael Silverman
Henry Somerfeld
Andrew Sklar
Frank Ellison
Greg Facktor
Dr. David Goldman and Paul Schouten
Meg Harlor
Sandy Joseph and Carol Newman, for New Orleans Louisiana
Alan Weisbart and Yaffa Hughes

Day 5: Candle of
Dedicated by
Richard Bernard, Ph.D.
B. Daniel Blatt
Lynn Harrill
Steve Karbelnig and David Levy
Gideon Murphy and Peter Macari
Martha Rosett
Diane Saltzberg
Devorah Servi
Isabelle Starr
Robert Zabb and Sergio Zabb
Victor Gabriel and Nicholas Hisoire
James Sutherland, LMFT

Day 6: Candle of
Dedicated By
Philip Starr
Dr. Marilyn Ader and Karen Shanbrom
B. Daniel Blatt
Robert Zabb and Sergio Zabb

Day 7: Candle of
Ricki Bander, Ph.D. and Beth Bachrach
David Bernstein and Bernie Goldberg
Edward Casson
Steve Kanner
Steve Karbelnig and David Levy
Tobi Rosen
Robert Zabb and Sergio Zabb

Day 8: Candle of
Andrea Paymar
Shane Viccinelli and Tom Duncan
[Shamash of]

Dedicated by
The Board of Kol Ami:
Richard Bernard, Ph.D. 
B. Daniel Blatt
Mark Cohen and Timothy Jordan
Murray Levin
Peter Mackler
Rebecca Shurz and Simon Thompson
Leonard Slutsky and Evin Rolens
Philip Starr
Michael Berlin
Daniel Klotzman
Chanukah with Kol Ami:
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785