Thank You for Keeping #KolAmiStrongerTogether in November 🙌
12/05/2024 01:18:44 PM
Date Added
December 5, 2024 * 4 Kislev 5784
Dear Kol Ami Community,
We want to say thank you for your generous support of our sacred community. It is your holy partnership that sustains and nurtures our congregation all year long, allowing us to be innovative, creative and spiritually strong. When you donate to Congregation Kol Ami to support our streaming worship and programs, when you make a yahrzeit donation or a donation to one of the many programmatic funds in honor or memory of someone, you are transforming, upholding and reinvigorating Jewish life, tradition and Jewish values.
Thank you for your continued contributions and support. Let us continue to deepen our bonds of friendship and community with each other. Thank you. A copy of this acknowledgement letter can also be found on our website here. With love and gratitude, Congregation Kol Ami
EDYTHE SITEMAN MUSIC FUND Elyse Resch and Dr. Arlene Drake, in memory of Elyse's father, Martin Cohen
GENERAL FUND Michael Becker, in memory of Zeus Goldberg Roberta Bennett, in honor of Richard Bernard on his Birthday Dr. Jane Drucker and Leesa Freed, in memory of all those kidnapped on Kristallnacht Adam Greenwald and Juan Ponce, in honor of Student Rabbi CJ Mays
GENERAL HIGH HOLY DAY GIVING David Levy and Steve Karbelnig
ONEG SHABBAT SPONSOR Murray Aronson, in honor of the 69th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah Murray Levin, in honor of November birthdays
SHABBAS TISCH Michael Berlin Dr. Nancy Cohen Tobi Rosen, in memory of her mother Ruth Friedman on her Yahrzeit
TZEDAKAH FUND Ulti Ramos Ellie Reingold
YAHRZEIT FUND Sam and John Fibish-Dewitt, in memory of Hilda Fibish Howard Goldin, in loving memory of Claire Goldin Bruce Green, in memory of Abe Green on his Yahrzeit Vitaly Koshman, in memory of Stepen Hochstein Don Margolin, in memory of Cookie Addison Karen Sue Heller Mason, in memory of Karen's father, Joseph T. Heller Shane Viccinelli and Tom Duncan, in memory of Ken Davis
In gratitude and remembrance, we thank you all! Your support helps keep us #KolAmiStrongerTogether as we build a world of justice, compassion, and love.
Congregation Kol Ami
Congregation Kol Ami 1200 N La Brea WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90038