Tzedek Council - Social Justice

But right now the greatest need is for advocacy, to get as many endangered Afghans as possible out of the country and into the pipeline for refugee status as quickly as possible. Please ask your legislators to do so. And of course, donating to HIAS, a Kol Ami partner and the oldest Jewish immigrant aid organization in the country, is an obvious step.
Here is the HIAS "Afghan Crisis -- How You Can Help" web page with more. Please check back frequently, as it will be updated almost daily
Anti-Racism Work
- Check out this detailed list of anti-racism resources on Medium.
- Racial Justice Resources for Reform Jews - from
- Also from 8 Ways You Can Act Now for Racial Justice.
Support for Community in Guatemala
Social Justice at Kol Ami
Tzedek Council
Transforming the World Using Jewish Values

Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
Our Tzedek Council members often participate in events with the California Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-CA)! Visit the RAC-CA website by clicking here.
SB 62 – Garment Workers Protection Act
SB 1399 would eliminate the “piece work” system in the garment industry by expanding wage theft liability, ensuring that retailers cannot use layers of contracting and subcontracting to avoid responsibility under the law to pay minimum wage and allow safe working conditions. Read more
SB 731 –Time Done
SB 731 (Time Done) is life-changing legislation that would address the thousands of barriers to reintegration faced by people who have paid their debt to society by creating a mechanism to seal arrest and conviction records after a person has fully completed their sentence. Read More
Register for future lobby meetings on the RAC campaign with your legislator here: You will have the opportunity to select whether you wish to participate as an attendee or in a leadership role, and will receive training and tips for lobbying, as well as a fact sheet on the campaign.
Together, we can transform miles into a life-changing force for good.
Donate your miles here

D'var Torah
Tzedek Council Member Jess Winfield gave a D'var Torah for Refugee Shabbat on March 5, 2021. Read it here
HIAS Welcoming Congregation
Congregation Kol Ami is proud to be a HIAS welcoming congregation, supporting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, and working to live out the value of loving the immigrant and the stranger, for we were strangers in Egypt.
Find out more about what HIAS is doing during the COVID-19 crisis by clicking here.