Note: We are reviewing our programming calendar on a weekly basis in light of the Omicron surge and will determine whether events will be online or in-person. We are continuing to check with local, state, and federal health agencies to help guide us for the safety of our members. Please follow the updates in eKoleinu and on social media
Who Knows Six? An Introduction to the Mishna Six Week Online Course Next Class: Wednesday, February 23 at 6:30 PM Many Jews are at least somewhat familiar with the Torah and stories from the Bible (what the ancient Rabbis referred to as the "Written Torah"), but many have not explored other core texts of Jewish tradition. Join Rabbi Levy for this six-week survey of the Mishna, the earliest collection of Oral teachings (the "Oral Torah") that lay the groundwork for the Talmud and shaped Jewish life as we know it today. REGISTER HERE
Tzedek Council Meeting Thursday, February 24 at 7:00 PM Join us for an open Tzedek Council meeting where we'll discuss ongoing initiatives and plan for future events and programs. We want to hear your input! REGISTER HERE
Tzedek Council Lunch Bag Assembly
for Hollywood Food Coalition Saturday, February 26 at 3:30 PM Join the Tzedek Council of Kol Ami as we continue our support of the Hollywood Food Coalition by assembling lunch bags for their Sunday lunch distribution program. REGISTER HERE
Interested in being a part of our Tzedek Council - Social Justice group? email Rabbi Levy to receive updates and info on how to help with Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Stay in the loop!
Shabbat Holiness Hike Saturday, February 26 at 9:30 AM Take a break from the craziness of the week (and the city) for another one of our Shabbat morning hikes with Rabbi Levy! This month we'll explore Santa Monica Bluffs at Palisades Park. REGISTER HERE
Kol Ami Visit to the Wende Museum in Culver City Sunday, February 27 at 2:00 PM Photographer Bill Aron takes us on a private tour of his photographs, exhibiting Soviet Jewish Life at the Wende Museum, Culver City. We will also have a separate private tour of the core collection of the Wende Museum dedicated to the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union with a museum educator. REGISTER HERE
Mamma Mia Megilla! Saturday, March 19 at 7:15 PM Join us for a Purim Spiel that you won’t be able to resist! A Mamma Mia Megillah is happening at Kol Ami on Saturday, March 19th. We’ll start with an optional dinner at 6pm ($18/person), followed by Havdalah and our Spiel at 7:15pm. You’ll hear such hits as “Shushan Queen” and “When Haman Takes it All”.
This event is currently scheduled to be in person. Dress up and get ready to tell the story of Purim like never before! THIS EVENT IS FREE. TO PURCHASE DINNER CLICK HERE
Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to Brian and Nicholas Bloom who welcomed a son, Bradford Nicholas Bloom, this week! Baby Bradford is healthy and weighs 7 lbs 10 oz.
Rabbi Eger commented on the new cutting-edge treatment that has already cured 3 people of AIDS: "A cure for HIV would radically change the lives of millions" Read the story on WehoVille
Rabbi Levy wrote this week's Shabbat Message on SoCal's Jewish News: "Though the ancient tribal designations described in this parasha have largely been lost to the tides of history," he wrote, "we Jews are still a diverse people, comprised of different “tribes” distinguished by culture, language, historical experience, levels of observance and other markers that differentiate us." Read the full message
The URJ’s ten-session online Learn to Read Hebrew for Adults is now registering for cohorts that begin in April. New courses launch every few months, registration is continuous, year-round. This is a true beginner’s aleph-bet decoding course. Great for Intro alumni and other adults. For more info
A new Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion initiative celebrates 50 years of women in the rabbinate with a unique new exhibition. The Holy Sparks art exhibition illuminates the creativity, commitment, and vision of 24 women who were “firsts” in their time - including our very own Rabbi Eger. Highlighting the challenges and contributions, struggles and successe of the 24 trailblazers, the exhibition opened this week at the Heller Museum in New York and the Skirball in Cincinnati. Read more about this initiative here
Refuah Shleimah: A Speedy Recovery We keep the following members in our healing prayers: John Altschul, Beth Bacharach, Richard Bernard, Keith Cantrell, Tim Jordan, Heidi Kebbas, Loren Ostrow, Ben Reback, Ivan Rosenberg,
To align the Congregation with the requirements of the City of West Hollywood, County of Los Angeles, and best practices of the CDC, we continue to require proof of full vaccination for Covid-19 upon entry for anyone 18 and older.
"Fully vaccinated" is now defined as having received a first round of vaccination AND having a booster, as recommended/eligible. The booster shot needs to be at least two weeks before the activity.
To learn more about Kol Ami's COVID-safety policy please click here.