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      Yizkor Scroll of Memory 2023 / 5784

We are honored to share our Yizkor Scroll of memory which was originally shared as part of our Yom Kippur Service this year. Watch the names and faces of our loved ones scroll through this video, and feel free to share with others who may want to remember with us.

        Remember & Honor Loved Ones

We offer many ways to remember and honor loved ones here at Kol Ami, whether it be a loved one who has died, or to honor a special occasion in one's life.
Yahrzeit Plaques
Our Yahrzeit Plaques offer you the opportunity to keep the memory of family and friends alive. Your loved ones will be honored in perpetuity at Kol Ami by a memorial light for the week of remembrance, reciting Kaddish on their yahrzeit, an annual listing in our Yizkor Scroll of Memory during the High Holy Days, and a notification reminding you of their yahrzeit and the date we will recite their name in loving memory. With our uniquely designed memorial plaques, you also have the opportunity to place a stone by their name any time you visit Kol Ami. Members of Kol Ami can purchase plaques to remember their loved ones for $750. Those who are not members can do so for $1500. This can be done on our online donation page, or by calling our office at (323) 606-0996.
Oneg Sponsorship
Our members and the broader community can sponsor the oneg at our Shabbat services for any number of reasons: to celebrate a birthday, to honor a wedding or a conversion to Judaism, congratulate a friend, or to mark the yahrzeit of a loved one. Sponsorships are $150, and you can make your donation and request a date on our online donation page. 
Sanctuary Chairs and Library Plaques
Another way to mark a special occasion and honor a loved one is by dedicating a sanctuary chair or a library plaque. Some have been dedicated in honor of B'nai Mitzvah, or time spent learning with Adult education courses, and others choose this as another way to turn a loved one's memory into a lasting legacy for our congregation. Library plaques can be dedicated for $250, and sanctuary chairs for $1000, both of which can be donated through our online page. 
Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785